August 17, 2005


jennifer lopez, michael vartan, jane fonda

up in northland where the air is thinner than chadstone, we decided to see this movie. i'm not a big fan of j-lo (!) but i figure what the hell? so i went in, sat down, and closed my eyes.

nah, the film is suprisingly funny and hits most of the laugh cues on the head. the story follows charlie (lopez), a single woman who has a change encounter with kevin (vartan) and through a series of montages, they get married. kevin's mother however (fonda), a washed-up television show host is not so happy that a "pregnant lesbian" is taking her son away.

the story is a little old; mother in law trying to get rid of the daughter in law, but the antics they use on each other elicit some laughs. a mention has to go to wanda sykes, who plays ruby - fonda's personal assisstant. i think her role is what really got the movie rolling and the laughs that it effortlessly evokes from the audience.

very superficial, very formulaic, very funny.



At 11:25 am, Blogger LOki said...

hah yeah, everyone has a go.

"man, i've got two asses!" - charlie (j-lo)
"if only her head were as big as other parts of her body" - fonda

she knows it.



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