June 14, 2006


well its been a long few weeks, and it feel like i've been disconnected from the outside world while being stuck in text-book quicksand. but tomorrow is my last exam and already i'm feeling the sand pissing off. its a funny thing 'exam period'; every one knows they're coming, and most of the time we get through them unscathed.

yet somehow, we always forget how we did, so when we're faced with them again and again, we freak out. well, i do. not so much"holy shit i'm going to fail," kind of freak out, but more a "my life will be on hold for three weeks." and it sucks i suppose when you can't go out or waste time or sleep in, because of the guilt of not studying, or going over notes you had forget you'd even written.

though a couple of things have been keeping my company over this time, and helping me keep my sanity. here they are, and in no particular order, have gotten me through (soon to be) four exams that i can't wait to be over.

i bought the dvd the other week and have been watching it everyday since. there are a two scenes which make this film really worth it, and if you watch the movie or have seen it, and if you know me, you will also know which two i'm talking about. the performences by gyllenhaal and sarsgaard are perfect in these scenes, and listening to the director's commentary, its amazing to think how the fim could have taken a completely differnt direction had these scenes been done differently. its a movie about the marines deployed to fight the good fight in iraq without the political bullshit. its about marines in a situation they have no control over, and in a war that really doesn't make sense. watch it!

when i was a kid, my mom concocted this 'egg drink', which is pretty much just water, condensed milk, egg, and heaps of sugar. during this exam period though, i had consumed so much coffee, coke, and red bull that i thought i needed something esle to keep me awake. my sister has been stuck home too with study, and ended up making one of these thigns and now i get her to make em all the time (thank you!). although tonight we're out of eggs, so its back to the coffee and red bulls for me.

another movie that has been playing on my laptop constantly the last few days. i'm not much of a ryan reynolds fan, but anything anna faris is in i'll watch. and this movie, although made when a whole plethora of romanic comedies are, is genuinely funny and really does give you that "feel good" feeling that seems to be the goal of the entire genre. though the real highlight in this film is faris' character is supremely unhinged and just down-right crazy.

i d/led an episode of captain planet the other day where one of the bad guys uses drift nets to catch fish, and kill anything else that happens to get caught in them. as childhood kick-ass cartoon, as soon as i heard the theme song play i was immediately drawn into it. the concept of the idea alone was something just short of revolutionary, using the after-school cartoon medium as way of communicating to kids that the environment was worth protecting. ted turner, the guy who created the cartoon, believed in this so much and took a hug risk, but networks took up the idea and made it a hit. but remember, the power is yours!

the series return of comedy inc was on a couple of weeks ago, the perfect way to take a breack from study on tuesday nights. of all teh comedy sketch shows out there, i think this is the best in recent times. there was skithouse which was also shithouse, then the big bite on channel 7 that didn't even last one season. i think there was another one that was made which went no where, and now there's "the wedge" on channel ten that i don't bother to watch. nope, comedy is th best out there in the sketch show landscape, with special mention to geneve morris, who i reckon is awesome.

intel has gotten into bed with apple and their offspring is the new intel-powered apple laptops. apparently more kick-ass than the old processors, the intel macbook is supposed to be pretty damn good and can even run windows properly. i spent the better half of a day transferring files from my powerbook g4 (which i still love), but have been using the macbook to type up exam notes since the monitor is bigger and brighter. woohoo.

alright this post is long enough. one more exam and i can sleep easy. and for those who have still got them for a week or two, it's almost over.



At 3:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you shitting me?
Comedy Inc is the most humourless show I've ever seen. It boggles the mind to think this show is still going and Micallef Tonight was cancelled after a couple of months.
I really don't like that show. It's never ever made me laugh, I've given it plenty of chances.

At 2:54 pm, Blogger CJ said...

Sorry Monin eek you gonna have to change your link back to my old blogger site
Comedy Inc sux...

At 6:00 pm, Blogger LOki said...

haha almost everyone i've spoken to where comedy inc. has come up has said similar things. i don't know what it is that makes me laugh at some of the (admitedly) humourless skits. i think i have a kind of lame sense of humour, to be honest :/.

i will change the link tomorrow, after seeing SUPERMAN RETURNS tonight!




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