January 03, 2005

the obligatory 'new year' blog

its funny that my first blog for the year was for an animated feature film. apart from the drunken screaming out of car windows while in the backseat of a rundown statesman, i didn't have much else on my mind. either that, or i was probably too wasted to think about anythign else.

seriously though, it's a new year - a time to look back on '04 and see what i learnt, what i want to change, and how i'm gonna make it through this year. even with 04's many downs, there were enough ups to get me through. events, people, food, water, and oxygen helped me survive the year and i've grown a lot since then i think.

university and working 15-hour days is a tough hand to be dealt, but i think i maanged rather well. time management is the key - and plenty of coffee, coke, and berocca. actually, i tried that berocca bs and it did nothing at all. it just made me breathe faster and dehydrate me. berocca can kiss my ass. anyway, even with a busy scheduel, i always tried to made time to hang with my good friends, even if it meant 3 hours sleep before getting to work at 5am.

i feel as though i'll be regurgitating stuff i wrote on another blog belonging to a friend of mine about change, people, and friendships, so maybe i will redirect you there so you don't have to read this anymore.

it's a new year, try make the most of it. if 2004 was shit for you, look at the reason behind that. if you find that you're looking into a mirror, i can assure you you wouldn't be alone. but if not, then use this year to change aspects of your life that just really suck.

get out on your own for a bit, do your own thing. but don't pull a julius caesar on your mates and turn your back on them, cos you know that the real ones are what make life worth living.

do that, and 2005... it's gonna be big.


At 12:32 am, Blogger chowzilla said...

Well I just thought I'd add my two cents into the "New Years". Sorry about the grammar Monin, but I haven’t written anything in almost 4 years and I can barely spell anymore. As most people know my has gone down the shits by the end of 2004, and I've been in a rut for quite a few weeks, but yeah I'm starting to feel better partly due to the upcoming year ahead of me. I'm actually looking forward to going back to uni again for some reason, maybe because I want to get my mind off stuff and feel kinda educated and brain dead at the same time if you know what I mean?

2004 huh, well it had its major ups and downs for me. Looking on the bright side of it I was able to experience so many new things and to some degree it's made me a better person, or some people may put it "a farking gay kant", but yeah I was happy where I was. It makes me wonder what new things lie ahead for me, what new things I will experience in 2005.

As for something more meaningful I too believe people should get over shit for the New Year, but yeah like you said Monin I've held a grudge over a certain someone for years, but yeah don't really care about it anymore, which is why I’m typing this comment up. I've realized it's better to have more friends than none at all, even though they piss the hell outta you, but you gotta set aside your pride to forgive and forget sometimes. Be the bigger person and say “fark it I’ll make the first move”. You just gotta think sometimes, why am I so bitter at everyone? Is the problem theirs or is it mine that everyone is pissed of with me?

Using myself as an example, back in high school I thought everyone was out to get me at the start, which was why I was so aggressive and tried to pick fights with everyone. I tried to pick a fight with, you Monin, Jason, apparently Salemme, but I don’t remember, Vito whom I was friends with once, and a few more other people. Was it their fault that I was so pissed off or was it a problem with me, I’m sure you can guess where the problems lies, as most you guys are my close friends now.

It takes a lot to admit your wrong and it takes even more to set aside your pride and just let things go. I guess you just gotta grit your teeth sometimes and humble yourself to remain at peace with your friends even if you think it’s wrong. True friends in the end will always be there for you as I’ve learnt at the end of the year. Not having seen most of you guys in 2004, but when I was feeling my worst after losing one of the most important relationships in my life, all of you guys were there for me. That alone is worth fighting to keep a friend.

Anyways enough of this meaningful talking and a few things to look forward and some resolutions in the 2005,
1. Study as usual
2. Build my car
3. See my friends
4. Work experience
5. Get back into shape
6. Maybe meet a new girl
7. Make new friends at uni
8. Find enlightenment (doubt it)
9. Maybe start training again, but don’t see the need for it anymore

I’m actually looking forward to meeting new people this year at uni for some reason. I think I've out grown the whole against uni people thing I had in the first year. After a while you just think what’s the point of being anti-social, it gets you no where really. Sure there’s a risk of meeting a dickhead, but yeah there’s so much more good that can come out of trying to make friends than sitting all alone and getting angry at the world.

I think I’ll join a few uni club this year, get into the uni scene a bit ahaha. If you had asked if I’d ever do this in first year I woulda told you to fark off, but man times have changed for all of us. Hehehe it’s funny how things turn out!

So any new years resolution?

That’s it for me till next time, I am the pain that resides within your balls! Loithaz

At 12:33 am, Blogger chowzilla said...

Oh yeah review Lemony you gotta!

At 1:38 am, Blogger ToFu said...

Hey chow,

indeed it does seem like times change people. Fortunately for you, you've gained so much more insight than i and dare say everyone else who've known you in high school. Probably because of the constant shalakings i used to recieve from you but all jokes aside i'm REALLY glad u have the courage to say that man. Especially at a public site read by heaps of people all the time.

I feel the exact same way u do about joining clubs, i mean sure there's heaps of dipshits out there but i'm sure we can find a good friend out of it.

Mina, gunbatta ne, 2005. (Everyone, do your best, 2005)
I'm glad also in the end i know who my true friends are as well.


At 1:39 am, Blogger ToFu said...

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At 10:05 pm, Blogger chowzilla said...

Yeah times have certainly changed haven't they? All of us seem to be hanging with different friends these days, not that theres anything wrong with that. I think it is a sign that we're all growing up and doing our own thing, hoping for the best. For some reason I feel there's going to be a major change for all of us this upcoming year and I hope it will be a good one.

So monin how about those clubs? Wanna join the masses? I some how don't think you will, well I'll try my luck and hopefully jay will join me in meeting new people. Just look forward to 2005 and it won't be shit. Studying soon anyone?

At 10:59 pm, Blogger LOki said...

heh, tis cool about the grammar chow. in fact, most of what you've written makes perfect sense. i'm glad that you've been able to heed your own advice and just let go of the things - well, some of the things - that just piss you off. cos when you really think about it, it's not worth letting something from the past fester in your memory and stop you from doing stuff in the present.

for me 2004 had more valleys that peaks, but even after all of it i can san i had a good year. i hadn't spoken to you guys in a while, and when i did it was just the idle chit-chat that you use when you've got nothing else to say. i don't know what you've all been through so i'm officially out of the loop.

you're right chow, that you should just let things go and forgive and forget. but that should never be one-sided. a friendship always requires input from both parties. i know it shouldn't be, but friendships are a give and take thing; one person could be taking advantage of you without even realising it, and being a good friend you put up with it. that shouldn't happen. chow, have you yet to be the bigger man and say "fark it, i'll make the first move"? i remember someone once tried it on you but you wouldn't listen.

high school was weird, everyone at one stage felt that nothing was going their way and the world was conspiring to get them down. in the end though, even in 2005, you have to take a look at what you yourself are doing. i've had a look around and realised that a lot of the shit that was getting me down was my own doing. but change isn't always easy. it takes time, and plenty of work.

my new years' resolutions? i haven't thought about it. well, i lied. i have. but every time i think about what i want to change in my life, i can't think of anything really. i mean there are small things, like get good grades at uni and get fitter, but apart from that, nothing much else.

come to think of it, i think i might have a list of five things to accomplish this year:

01. get good marks at uni
02. get fitter
03. spend time with my mates
04. write a book
05. make a short film

as for the monash club things, i was thinking of joining the hockey club and that was about it. i don't mind meeting new people, in fact i enjoy it (believe it or not). but sometimes i don't think i have the time. i've always though the friends i have now are enough, and will probably always be enough for me. though i suppose uni friends are a little different... but time will tell.

so 2005, what's in store for me?

At 5:13 am, Blogger ToFu said...

u should get a girlfriend... the ones that don't need a lot of attention, alway busy, very intelligent, witty, sarcastic...

if u find a girl that resembles you... SHE'S A KEEPER!

an interest in comic books and movies is a good start.
try the manga club... even though they're a little... u know.. koo koo... argh what am i saying? Ignore my incoherent babble after a 12 hour shift...

i need a hug :(


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