April 08, 2005

"tell me what you want!" - mr. perry, dead poet's society

it's been a while since i last blogged, which is kinda weird seeing as in that time between now and my last blog, i have seen quite a few films! but answering the request of jase's that i should blog about the 'world of monin', maybe i'll revert this time to something more personal.

to be honest though, i don't know what to write about. i think i do enough writing about things when i write fictional pieces that draw on events that happen in my life anyway - so in a lot of ways if i wrote that in a blog, i'd feel as though i'd just be repeating myself.

but what i can say is that in the past couple of weeks things have become clearer to me. i realised that sometimes what you want isn't necessarily the way things are, and no matter how much you want something to be a certain way, sometimes the world just tells you to get fucked.

and hey, that's fine. because sometimes when you get everything you want, you look back and think to yourself maybe you wanted all the wrong things. not only that, the things that you want aren't always what's best. so even when it seemed as though things were falling apart around me, and in times where i had to question my beliefs and values, i felt that deep down that they way things were happening were happening for the best.

this kind of reaffirms my belief that there is such a thing as fate, but as i mentioned earlier in a film review - fate does happen, but once you get there it's up to you to make it happen.

but also in the past couple of weeks, with the help of jase, i've been thinking about the simpler things in life. things that once were enough to make me happy. and those things were writing, drawing, and creativity in general - which can be culminatively called comic books. we've organised to meet semi-regularly to talk about possible comic concepts and storylines to follow by bringing all our ideas into a open forum kinda thing.

i don't know how far it'll go, but it'll be cool if we can get even one awesome comic to come out of it.

anyhoo, that's about it for now. i will endeavour to blog a little more often, and write more about my stellarly exciting life rather than film reviews. but until then...



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