after three weeks of dodging bullets and criticism, laura gissarra was voted off last night. while it is always tough to see people go, it was especially difficult this time since she had gone through so much shit from just about everyone but still week after week performed her butt off. but now her idol dream is over, and hopefully so it the scrutiny.
the nine idols left however have a long road ahead of them.
stand out performers in my opinion are kate deagroua, dan england, emily williams, anne robertson, and lee harding.

emily kicks so much ass it's not funny; her vocals are amazing with a huge range. her enthusiam and determination shine whenever she's on stage. but what i love most about her is her humbleness. after she performs her heart off, she all of a sudden becomes quiet, waiting for the judges to impart their opinons. she doesn't know how good she is and is therefore always challenging herself to do better, which only makes her an even stronger contender for the title.
dan is probably the strongest male vocally and he knows it, belting out rocking tones as well as the high notes that always arouse an applause from the crowd. he has a voice you want to keep listening to. anne is another amazing vocalist who uses soulful tones to get her songs across. she always gets caught up in the emotion of the song which shows that she really believes what she's singing. her sincerity really shines through in all the songs she sings. and lee, a good ol' melbourne boy, has a really awesome rock voice and can entgertain teh crowd like there was no tomorrow. his vibrant personality and just general up-beat attitude really work in his favour, making me think that he'd be a great friend to have.
and kate - she's awesome. despite her being a 'dag', that's what i love about her. she's beautiful and doesn't really give a shit about what people think. to me she seems really down to earth, and can take the good with the bad. vocally, she has the extra grunt that some of the female contestants lack, allowing her to add that extra dimensions to all of her songs. kyle keeps going on about how she's been losing weight etc, but i reckon she's cool as she is. kick some ass kate, you know you want to.
i want these guys to be in the top five, but as most people know (after ricki-lee got voted off) the best singers aren't always the ones left standing. last year there were a couple of stand-out contenders, but this year it looks like everyone's got a shot.
but like i said, any of the five i mentioned above would make an awesome australian idol. but it's up to us voting to keep them in. i had never voted before this current series started, and only because there are really outstanding vocalists in the running.
support these guys, they've earned it.
(for the original images, go to
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