January 14, 2006


simba: looks like the winds are changing
raffiki: ahh yes, change is good.
simba: but it's not easy. i know what i have to do, but doing it means facing my past. i've been running from it for so long.
raffiki: *whack*
simba: ow! geez, what did you do that for?
raffiki: it doesn't matter, it's in the past!
simba: yeah, but it still hurts.
raffiki: ahh yes, the past can hurt. but the way i see it, you can run from it or.. learn from it.

when i was a kid and saw this for the first time, i probably wouldn't have realised it was amoung the best pieces of advice i've ever been given. change is going to happen, the world will keep spinning, and people you've come to know and love will fade away.

the only thing you can hold onto is trust; trust that no matter where you end up in life you can look back and say you had teh best circle of friends ever. geography isn't what tears people apart, its all in the our minds. if we want something enough, we should fight for it.

embrace change, and be thankful that others are doing the same.



At 1:38 am, Blogger ToFu said...

I ain't changin' shiiiiiiiiit.

fuk harold washington, yeeeah.... fuk dat shit.




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