October 29, 2005


its funny how there's always an ultimatum when it comes to study - you can study, or work. it's almost impossible to do both effectively. i only speak for myself actually, since i know at least a dozen people who seem to manage it perfectly fine.

so why can't i do that?

hmm i don't know what it is, but lately i've been questioning why i'm even at school still. the pay off seems so far off that i can't even seem to focus on it any more. but as always, the feelings i'm having are always transient and ten bucks says i'll be over it in a couple of days. i just need some kind of sign or verification that all i'm doing is actually going to lead me where i want to be.

being at school is kind a like a carousel, you keep going round in circles and the same old shit. and all the while you see people out of the corner of you eye getting on better rides, having more fun, and doing what they want. you can't get off the damn horse cos you're just so used to it, not to mention the thing won't even slow down. or speed up for that matter.

in the mean time i'm studying for property law which i've got on monday morning, and after that its good ol' torts. i can't wait till its all over, i really really can't.



At 3:24 pm, Blogger ToFu said...

Sooooooo over it! - Jay

Let's getty drunky NAOW!

At 6:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"EVIDENCE" I'm still at school and a long ass time it shall be! Your in my world now grandma!

"Hell NO! Damn Crocodile Bit My Hand Off Cut Me Down In My Prime"

At 10:09 pm, Blogger ToFu said...

Don't worry, i'm sure a lot of other student question their studies at tertiary.

There's a lot of people on that boat with you, i being one of them. Good luck on your exams, you'll be fine.

You'll look back on times like this when you've put away some of the biggest criminals in Australia and realise this was worth all the while.

At 1:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rico seconds that ;)


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