August 06, 2006


well its been fun guys, but i don't think i can keep it up.

the last few weeks have been a little up and down for me, and yet i haven't really botehred to write any of it down. i think uni is taking a bit of my time now and as well as comic stuff and other things going on behind the scenes, the blog has taken a backseat.

the last two years of ramblings were cool, but i'm getting tired now. who knows, i might come back for a third. but until then, thanks for those who came and had a read. i hope i helped you choose which movies to watch, or took some time out of your studies to have a break.

but anyways, i think it's time to go.



At 1:42 am, Blogger ToFu said...

I just re-opened my blog.

Maybe one day when all this crazy stuff is over we can all sit down and sigh and perhaps go back to where it started?

Sometimes when i sit in bed i think about it, and afterwards wished i wrote it down.

Believe me, i think being the movie connoisseur you are we've all chosen our movies accordingly. Thanks for the money and time you've saved us.

Blog soon. We all need that time to sit back a little even though sometimes it seems like we never have enough time.



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