January 02, 2006


yep, its that time of new year again where i look back on how things went in 2005 and try give some insights. at the moment i can't think of anything really but for anyone who knos me, by the end of this entry there'll be some bs conclusion or statement worth pondering.

i look back on my academic year and i find i should really try harder. scraping through all subjects and having to do a supplementary exam for another is nothing to be proud of. so that's one thing i'm aiming to change this year, and that is my attitude towards study. i need to bust my ass.

chalkboard was born in 2005 and we were on fire up until university exams. we conjured a complete script, thumbnails, almost the entire first issue, and business plans etc. looking back i had an amazing time doing all that, and i hope we can get the ball rolling again soon. but a few unexpected things popped up along the way that needed out attention. still, i'm still hoping for a march 2006 launch, though i can't speak for the other guys.

i hung out a lot with the guys this year. well, not really 'a lot' but more than previous years. they've all got so much going on in their lives that i really cherished the moments we were all together. i've been hearing some new years horror stories, about people going out in huge groups and having a shit time, and i was glad that i spent it with close friends and even some people who i did not expect. overall, i'm glad i welcomed the new year with those i hoped to spend it with.

working at the shop was alright this year since it offered me a break from having to use my brain. we had the regulars and a few new faces who eventually become familiar. the hours kinda sucked but it still gave me time to do things afterwards or just crash out at home.

my grandmother came from cambodia this year, her first time out of the country. it was weird at first, but i warmed up to her eventually and found out where i got my dry humour and wit from. it was an odd experience learning about how people grew up in cambodia, and the stories of my parents when they were kids. my sister came from england as well during that time, and we did the 'family' stuff with plenty of photos as well.

alright, this post is getting long and boring. looking over the year i thing i had a good one, nothing particularly horrible comes to mind, and here i am still healthy (as far as i know) and breathing.

2006 aye? i welcome you with open arms.



At 1:36 am, Blogger ToFu said...

concur about the chalkboard bit.

One of the most amazing experiences ever; 'starting something' from nothing.

Thanks Monin, for being an awesome friend...
For working over-over time to get it completed.

Bachan cave excursion was awesome, i had a awesome NYE in sydney and i hope you did too in melb.

Kudos to the magic (no penis intended) moments on the balcony where we just pretty much "nailed" the script... of course i'm talking about the script *pulls neck tie*

2006? Bring it OOOOOOOOOOOOON!


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