January 22, 2006


its 11:45am and the weather has already reached 37 degrees, with an expected top of 43. and while most people i know are getting read to go to the beach, i'm sitting here sweltering away studying for my Torts exam i have tomorrow morning. but i feel fine; not necessarily about my exam tomorrow, but just generally.

i was talking to glenn the other night about this cloud i had hanging over my head, one that had been there since decemeber last year. we were saying that it was probably a matter of time before the cloud would pass, but in the meantime we'd have to do other things and keep ourselves occupied. at the time i wondered if the cloud was ever going to lift, but this morning i saw a glimpse of the sun shining through, both in a literal and metaphorical sense.

man, the past few weeks have been really up and down but i'm glad it looks to be clear sailing for now. i feel as though now i can take on my deferred exams with a clear head, instead of going in there thinking about a whole lotta other stuff that is bothering me. but right now, nothing is.

i'd better get back to it then, aye?

btw, happy birthday CHRIS MAHER and DAVE CANNATA for jan 14th, MONY my brother for jan 17, and DAVE HEAD for jan 20th.



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