November 23, 2005


"i think one of the most universal human experiences is feeling alone. you’d never know it, but there is most likely tons of other people feeling the exact same way.

maybe because you’re feeling completely abandoned.
maybe because you realised you weren’t self sufficient as you thought.
maybe because you know you should’ve handled something differently.
or maybe because you aren’t as good as you thought you were.

either way, when you hit that low point you have a choice:
you can either wallow in self pity, or you can suck it up.

it’s your call."

- dr. john dorian, scrubs.


At 3:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that songs really starting to piss me off
it always reminds me of Scrubs of course, but my brother insists on playing it over and over and over again. How can there possibly be enough information in that song to warrant that many listens?!

by the way, they've started season 5 in "the states", playing two new episodes a week.. still a great show

At 9:09 pm, Blogger LOki said...

i've only seen up to season two, and waiting for the season 3 dvds to come out this feb.

i hear they aren't as good as the preceding two series, but i'll give em a shot.

heh and you're right, i haven't listened to it since i posted this article. it does get annoying - damn cowboys.


At 12:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no way man, Season 3 is as good as the first two. Season 4 is better, and Season 5 is looking to be just plain crazy (three weeks and they've already show 6 episodes.. its exhausting)
I'm looking forward to that dvd, might pre-order it.

At 7:56 am, Blogger LOki said...

i haven't been able to watch the series as they're being shown on tv, though i'm glad i've still got plenty of eps to go. i remember when my sister bought home the season one and two dvds, i ended up watching them all back to back.

that was exhausting.

i htink my sister might have already pre-ordered our season three as well.



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