May 15, 2006


it's been a while since i've posted, and i've yet to finish my previous one about the lion king. but here's something that's been on my mind for a while - old-school cartoons. that right, captain planet, widget, voltron, he-man, thundercats, silverhawks - all that.

i've been listening to the captain planet opening theme for a few days straight now, and i think my family are getting quite pissed off. but hey, screw em. i've decided to try and come up with a script/story for a movie of captain planet, but we'll see how far that goes.

i remember a while back vito and i were talking about something along these lines.

in other news, i've added a link to my flixster site, brought to my attention by sandra. its basically a place where you can post movie reviews and rate them in a few easy steps. to check it out, click on the link and it'll take you there. woohoo.

i should be sleeping.



At 1:00 am, Blogger LOki said...

thank you vito for pointing out that there's no such thing as "thunderhawks"... :$



At 10:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eye of thundrura give me sight beyond sight! GALAXY RANGERS ROCKS!

At 11:10 pm, Blogger LOki said...

hey, you wann go get wasted or something?



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