April 07, 2006


stars hugo weaving, natalie portman

for now, just go see it. the film is long but far from boring; you may nid (find, rather) yourself questioning whether you like it or not while you're in the cinema, but as you walk out of it you'll be wanting to see the movie again.

trust me.



At 3:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked it. I don't know much about movies but I reckon it was poorly edited. The story was there, but the pacing was weird.
Plus the movie was played AS IF there was a protaganist, but kept switching from the cop and Evie.. very awkward.
But yes, the story was there. And I like how it was more symbolic than literal. V doesn't need to be any more than a symbol.

I don't know what "nid" means.

At 10:51 am, Blogger LOki said...

i agree with you about the editing, mainly because it jumps around a lot temporally (plus the film goes for almost two and a half hours). it might have been to highlight displacement generally?

heh yeah, "nid" was a typo, it's supposed to be "find".


At 10:17 pm, Blogger CJ said...

I thought it was ok, but damnit it's like identical to the book '1984', the big brother theme, if you've read the book by George Orwell.

At 6:41 pm, Blogger LOki said...

i haven't read the book yet, though i keep hearing things about it so i prob should.

atm though i'm reading "the zahir"... and if it weren't for damn uni and the need for sleep i'd have finished it by now.



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