May 09, 2005

"we need to be somewhere safe, somewhere that's secure, somewhere that's... big." - shaun

i just got home from federation square, melbourne, where the national gallery of victoria is holding an awesome photography exhibit organised by the art gallery of new south wales.

a huge thanks to chris maher for inviting me along to melbourne-based photographer bill henson's "three decades of photography" exhibit.

the exhibit takes up 8 gallery rooms of fed sequare with photographs from top to bottom of all the walls. half of his work is done in a photojournalistic kind of way, all in black and white and are just plain awesome. the other half features colour photography, photomanipulation, and abstract collages.

i found myself drawn particularly to the black and whites; they're mainly of masses of people in the streets, busy with thier own things.. and while they fill the the entire frame of the photo, it's looks as though each figure is in their own world. alone.

henson adds to this kind of mysterious aura by using a soft focus on most of his work, giving it a hazy, dream-like atmosphere. furthermore, his colour work adopts a subtle blue/green hue, giving an effect of both abstraction and (i can't think of a word to describe it). simply brilliant.

it makes me want to drop everything i'm doing atm and pick up my camera again.

the exhibit runs until JULY 7th, $10 entry, and worth every cent.



At 12:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy I've decided not to use that thing we scanned, because yeah I couldn't get the print right and it looked real yah know dodgy, so it's all good now.

Just wanna remind you that the fat lady forgot to look behind her and she feel down the trap door! OUCH!

Anyways Mr. Fahrenheit keep travelling at the speed of light.

At 1:22 am, Blogger LOki said...


well i'm kinda glad you decided not to use it.. albeit for the wrong reasons :P


poor fat lady, never saw it coming..

At 1:34 am, Blogger ToFu said...

Due to your recommendation, i'm going to check it out on Friday :)

Soft focuses eh? I prefer f64, kick it old school.


At 1:51 am, Blogger LOki said...

no school like the old school :)

a lot of his colour photog is has crisp, clear focus if you're into that kind of thing ;) - good ol' f64 never grows old.

but the soft focus, as i said in the post, adds another dimension to the image, almost ghost like.

brilliant stuff, trust me.



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