stars eric bana, geoffery rush
this film just scrapes through to the '3' line for me. the film details the events that followed the 1972 abduction and subsequent murder of 11 israeli athletes by palestinian terrorists. avner (bana) is called on by the government to lead a team of people to assasinate those responsible for the killings, and so the film begins.
while i am in no way a spielberg (or, "the 'Berg" as he is sometimes referred to nowadays), but this films looks amazing. the locations, sets, even random sweeping shots of the landscape make this film really easy to watch. that is, if you're prepared to sit still for almost three hours. performances by bana, hans zischler (the toy-maker turn bomb-maker) are authentic and believable.
the ideologies being pushed in this film are at either ends of the spectrum, the classic "terrorist" versus "freedom" fighter debate going on. both have their merits, but both also have their flaws although i am more inclined to agree with (though not completely) with avner's view - that instead of focussing on the past, work to make a better future. but the real debate here is the concept of "home". without one, there is no place to return to.
i wouldn't see this film again; it gets repetetive and goes on a number of tangents before abruptly going back to the main story. stylistically this film is immaculate, but narration and editing could have been more succinct and helpful. there is one awesome seige scene which happens at around the 2-hour mark, so stay awake - if you can.
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