stars mark wahlberg, tyrese gibson, andre benjamin, garrett hedlund
watching it again now, this film kicks ass. much like shaun of the dead, this film was recommended to me by a good friend, and i thank jove for bringing this masterpiece to my attention.
four adoptive brothers come back to their home town after their mother is killed in an apparent gang-land robbery. but as usual, things aren't always as simple as they first appear, and a trail of blood, violence, and brotherhood bring us to a explosive end.
bobby (wahlberg) leads the brothers as the hot-headed 'mother of all fuck-ups' in thier mission to find their mother's killer, and along the way (re)discovers the true nature of brotherhood. all characters are developed and executed excellently. a particular mention goes to andre benjamin of outkast, who plays jeremiah. his debut performance will catch plenty of people off gaurd. angel is the playboy of the four, and played effortlessly by gibson. relavtive new-comer garrett hedlund is convincing in his protrayal of the youngest of the four, naive and underestimated, but a source of joy and humour.
editing and directing is crisp and elegant, giving this urban drama a very-much epic feel. kudos to john singelton for stepping out of his usual directorial role in action films, and creating this great piece of cinema.
go see this movie, now.