May 15, 2005

"where's safe? where's familiar?" - shaun

you'll never guess where i'm posting from...

my front doorstep. yep, that's right.

it's 5am and i forgot to get my housekeys. not only that, my phone is out of credit so i can't call anyone to open the door. i figure, shit i've got a laptop in my back and wireless internet so here's hoping someone's online that can bail me out.

and jase... can i crash at your place? :P



At 4:46 am, Blogger ToFu said...

hahahah omg this is intense!

How funny is this? :)

See you in 5 minutes. Technology man... it's gonna be big.


At 10:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Monin,

I went to watch the Amityville Horror last night. I must say, that there were plenty of gross and bloody scenes in the movie. I think I put my hands over my eyes throughout most of the bloody scenes hehe. I know...I'm such a chicken!

But I was pretty scared to open my eyes to all the scary scenes because I was driving home by myself and I didn't want to be shitting myself while driving down the dark roads hehe.

And did you notice how Ryan Reynolds was topless in so many scenes? Obviously, they were trying to show that he had been working out because I remember seeing a well-defined six pack LOL.

Anyway, I left the movie feeling really creeped out because of the fact that it's based on a true story *shivers*. I wonder if the house is still standing today? Apparently, there's books written about it. I want to read some of them - even though I'll be scaring the crap out of myself LOL.

All in all, the movie was a well enjoyed scare fest. I give it a rating of 3.5/5 hehe.

P.S: For those of you who have yet to see this film, I advise to watch it with someone because you'll need someone to hold onto when the gruesome scenes scare the pants off of you! I know I was holding onto my friend throughout most of the film LOL.

At 3:25 pm, Blogger LOki said...

heh well i think after BLADE III, anyone who had ryan reynolds in their films wanted to have him topless in at least one scene.

yeah, i read the original book of it a while ago and that was pretty scary too. i'm not sure if there have been other versions of the novel, though i'm sure you'll be able to find some info on it online.



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