"i haven't had sugar in my tea since 1982," - shaun
in the midst of sailing ships... hold on, i'll start again.
in the midst of exam prep and cram studying, i'm finding this time in my life to be pretty alright. sure i'm a little stressed about exams and all that, but here i am sitting on my bed, blogging away and sipping my sugar-infused tea.
i was just talking to my sister who has been living in enlgand for the past year and a bit and just telling her about the stuff that's been happening with me at home. and when i was telling her, i thought shit, things are going well for me... and despite the looming exams, i really do feel fine.
i'm sure when the time comes i'll be stressing just as much as anyone else, but i don't see the point in stressing about shit now and just making yourself feel less confident. i mean, remember the good old days in high school where year 12 exams meant everything? well think back to that time...
did you realise anything?
well, i did. i realised that a lot of people, myself included put so much on the exams that nothing else mattered. eveyone it seemed thought that their life would be determined by their VCE results. while that may have been true, it wasn't as if one couldn't pick up their shit up and still do something productive with their lives.
my point is that in hindsight, year 12 exams weren't as bad as we thought they were. so with the exams we're facing now, while you should study and try your best with them, don't make that process all the more difficult by putting undue stress on yourself. make a plan and prioritise your subejcts. you know whic ones you're better or worse at, so allocate the time accordingly.
i'm not an overly diligent student, and my marks are hovering in the Credit range so i'm not exactly one to look to for sure-fire ways of succedings in exams. but you probably know as well as i do, that stress is just a waste of fucking time.
good luck everyone, it'll be over soon.
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