June 12, 2005

"it's like real life tragedy" - sam, garden state

i remember once some old wanker said:

"some people have likened exams to death... it's really not that bad"

i'm sitting here on the dawn of my three-in-a-row-screw-me-over exam period and i think i should be freaking out. i think i am a little, moreso than i'm used to. but i seem to managing it alright. i've had my six cups of tea and the recommended maximum of 2 cans of red bull, and i feel fine! FINE!

i think i'm jsut too damn tired to be stressing. meh, i dunno. at least its helping me in a way; by not stressing i'm not burning up extra energy and wasting it by wallowing in my own self-doubt and pity. instead, i'm jsut gonna stay chilled and just work through my exams systematically and as calmly as possible.

the next three days will be pretty intense for me but i'm determined just to blaze through them. my last exam (property law) is on wednesday afternoon and finishes around 6pm. that's the perfect time to catch the train into richmond and find the all too familiar couches at the great britain pub on church street.

time to get back to it,



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