July 11, 2005

"build this house with me," - george, life as a house.

the last couple of weeks have been pretty up and down for me. i can't even really remember what happened but i can confidently say that at the end of it all, i'm feeling quite alright.

i don't know how people i've been around the last fourteen or so days have felt... though there have been indications that they've had a similar experience too. i can't be sure - none of us can ever be sure.

a lot of the past week has been to do with comic stuff. after our trip to buchan it felt kinda weird being back home, and it seemed that no one wanted to mention the comic or anything. a week went by and i still hadn't been in contact really with anyone. it made me feel a bit stupid in one sense, that maybe it was only me feeling some kinda of abandonment - i dunno.

we had a meeting the other day and things are running smoothly. there were some issues that were dealt with at a previous meeting; it did involve some of us to question the way things were being conducted though i think in the end of it all, it was the best thing that could've happened. i think a majority of us had something we wanted to say but needed someone else to take the reins and steer the meeting in that direction. now, everything's cool.

we had a meeting last night which ended up being a pancake parlour movie night, which i thought was a good break. i enjoyed just sitting around with good friends watching "shaun of the dead" (5/5) and "life as a house" (4/5) and having a bit of vodka and orange. i guess it had been a while since i last did something liek that, having a lot of the people i used to hang out with being busy with other stuff.

this time in eveyone's life is getting tough.

also, the other week - for the first time in a while - me, pete, vito, maher, and jover went to maher's place for a bbq and some general hanging out. due to work and school commitments, among other things, it had been a while since it was just the five of us in maher's backyard having a good time. personally i prefer the small gatherings as opposed to the big ones where you know everyone's face, but can't be bothered intiating (or maintaining) meaninless conversation.

i went to the GB the other night with pete and glenn and as always, they provided great company. that night we all got a little more smashed than we usually did as the beam and colas kept coming. we headed to the joint, a 24/7 pub and met up with vito. we hung around there for a while with some pool and more beer, before finally heading to the apartment jsut before dawn. it was a good night, but the train-ride home was a little wonky.

it was also my younger sister's eighteenth birthday. i was 'supervising' the party (apparently), and i think overall everyone had a good time. there were a few kids that passed out or just lay sprawled on the asphalt, but the next day they were fine. there were also some concerned parents but nothing that couldn't be handled with some sympathetic bullshitting. all in all, a good night.

i think that'll be it for now. i've have three bottle of yakult (they should make them in biger portions!) and i need some sleep. i'm renovating my bathroom tomorrow, so that should be cool. i don't know how it's going to turn out yet, but i'll try keep ya's posted. until then though, for a my thoughts on "life as a house", "war of the worlds", and "mr. and mrs. smith", check out the link in the side bar.

well, check that link out in a couple o' days - when i can't be bothered (or have the energy and attention span) to write the reveiws up!

until next time,



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