June 15, 2005

"adversely possess this, asshole." -monin

well, it has been exactly one year since i started my blog. goddamn it's been a while.

well i jsut got home from my property law exam which went better than i expect, which means at least i'll get a Pass. that, i'll be happy with. i'll humour you with my exam experience this time round...


this exam went kinda well, i knew all my shit and was pretty happy when i left. the main topics were hearsay (curse you!) this was a pretty ordinary exam come to think of it, nothing really to report.


ahhh media law. funny story; as i was leaving the house to catch the train i remembred i had to check my seat number. i was so goddamn tired from being awake for 30 hours studying and working on the comic i felt like i was going to die. but then when i checked my seat number at 8:50am (the exam was at 9:30), i should've said that "hopeless expectation of death" feeling for then. you see, i thought i had my TORTS exam and that 30 hours of being awake was spent on that. furthermore, i hadn't been to any media law lecture and had no note prepared. "awwww fuck!" was my verbal and mental respone.

so i jump online and grab some bs lecture notes which i've never read before, staple them together and rush out the door. i get there at 9:25 and take my seat and open my bag.. "awwww fuck!" i left my notes at home! so i rush out again and call my bro to drive them down which, albeity under protest, does.

so i'm in teh exam, 20 mins late with no fucking idea what to do. i think, i might as well have a crack at it and rolled my sleeves up and started writing. i'll probably fail it, but hey, at least i tried!


ahh torts.... finally. i liked this one, all about people getting jabbed with syringes and people stealing other people's shit. i always like torts cos people are always finding themselves in stupid situations and are usually always liable for it. it's hilarious. so i was very well prepared for this one since i thought it was on monday so yeha, no worries.

only problem was half way through the exam i was informed i was in teh wrong seat, so i had to pack my shit and move. it was annoying but my own stupid fault.. i guess at moments like this you can only laugh. ha-ha.

and my hardest, most hated subject! i have to admit i went into the exam room knowing that i hadn't gone through all the topics and that somehow i'd get screwed over. so i went in there with my notes and just did the damn thing. it was easier than i had expected which was god, though not really cos i thought it was going to be the equivalent of trying to swallow glass. meh.

i'm out of the exams now and back in action! well, more like inaction... i'm tired, i'm shitty, but i feel like a beer so i'm heading out. and for those who have also finished exams, i suggest you do the same!

it's been a year since i've squatted on this blog domain, and if this belonged one else and was real land and i was trespasser, all i'd have to do is wait another 14 years and it'd all be mine.. mine.. mine!!! yeah, i know, i've lost it a little...

adverse possess this, assholes!

i need a beer.



At 5:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

EVIDENCE! EVIDENCE! Man lots of law stuff theres... Well only one more exam for me now... Can't wait till holimadays so I can do my car in the exhaust hehe... exctually no... EVIDENCE!

PS: didja see the one where the lady falls down the trap door? It's pretty funny... Swish!

At 6:49 pm, Blogger ToFu said...

Congrats monski, happy first anniversary!!!

Well when i look back on it, it has been a pretty interesting semester hasn't it Monin, Chow..?

Thanks guys for a good kick to 2005.


At 4:22 pm, Blogger LOki said...

yeah, a lot has happened in this semester.. both with uni and other shit. far out, time seems to be going a lot quicker these days; is it cos we're doing heaps more, or cos we're not noticing enough?



hehe she even tired to flap her arms.


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